Sex education: not a simple task

"Sex education"

Most of us were/are of the opinion that making our children aware of the dangers of teenage sex would be a relatively simple task for modern age parents. Well, it is not so. Most parents find it very difficult to initiate the discussions with their children. they lack the terminology and the skills to convey the right message at the right time.

Whose responsibilty is it to teach sex education? Teachers' or parents'?

Teachers are usually equipped with the right tools to teach children about difficult but important matters like sexual health/sexuality. However, parents as primary care-givers, should take primary responsibilty for making their children aware of their growing bodies, their feelings and their responsibility toward themselves as teens and preteens. If as a parent you dont teach your child about sexual conduct, you are opening the door to misleading and confusing information/messages from friends, peers, society and even the media. Teachers should fascilitate the process through the implementation of the curriculum in the classroom, but it is still the parent that knows their child better.

When should the talks begin?

Sex education: Sexual health

Child Psychologists are your best bet when it comes to decisions like when, what and how to teach them. Together with the parent(s),they are in a better position to customize and tailor-make the information to suit the child's age and his/her level of maturity.

About us page

Sex education: focus on your child

Being friends with the opposite sex

Sex education: Mother-daughter



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"This can't wait: talking to kids about sex"