When a childhood friend broke it to me that her biological dad had asked to be intimate with her, I could hardly believe my ears. Knowing the dad fairly well, I found it disgustingly difficult to comprehend. At 15, I'd never heard of anything like that before - except that it was biblically forbidden. Of course I believed my friend and empathised with her. To make matters even worse, these unheard of request of indecent assault happened after she was ganged raped. But that was hardly the trigger. Her dad said to her, without any shame, that "your sisters are mature now and they have babies. You are the only one that's left." That clearly indicated to us that he had been doing this to my friend's sisters - he had abused them and they, unlike my friend, did not have enough strength to say "NO!" This is a case of child sexual abuse/molestation. but what the dad was suggesting was a relationship - an incestous relationship with her daughter. INCESTOUS RELATIONSHIPS AND MARRIAGES OUT OF CHOICE![]() CONCENTUAL INCESTOUS RELATIONS AND MARRIAGES Choice/elective incest: incestous relationships/marriages out of choice Incest or incestous relationships are more common than we would like to believe. Most of them do lead to teenage pregnancies and then, abortions. The victim normally does not have the strenght to report these incidences or even talk about them with family/friends/counsellors because the perpetrator is family and older. There is, however, another side of incest - when the two parties are both of legal age and consent to such a relationship. This is where legal and religious principles take their course. Incest is by all means, immoral and unbiblical. I do not think there is any law that can condone this behaviour. Not only is it unbiblical, anti-social and immoral - but it posess genetical threats to any offspring that might be born of it, because of inbreeding.