Single parenting: it can be both challenging and fun to be a single parent

Single parenting: it can be both challenging and fun to be a single parent

Single parents have a huge responsibility of bringing up children on their own. Even though there may be an extended family support, or step parent support; most single mothers/fathers still feel overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the only parent, only provider and only role model.

The ups and downs of being a single parent

The ups and downs of being a single parent

However, on the flip side, being a single parent can be a good opportunity to bring up your children the best way you can, without the negative influence of someone with perhaps a different set of values, beliefs and standards.

“It is easy to be independent when you’ve got money, but to be independent when you haven’t got a thing – that’s the Lord’s test." -Mahalia Jackson, American gospel singer

Teen pregnancy often means single parenting

Teenage parenting may also mean single-parenting