Surviving the Distance: How to keep long distance relationships going

"Long distance relationships"


Most of us will find ourselves in this type of situation at least at some point in our lives. Long distance relationships are challenging, but not impossible to maintain. Are you one of those people who only gets to see your spouse or partner only once a year, month or week? If so, you may take comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

I, myself have experienced it, although not as extensively as some of my close friends,relatives and other people I know. Some people keep it going by driving long distances weekly or twice a week to see each other while others keep the flames burning by calling each other daily or even twice or thrice a day. How are you keeping yours healthy and vibrant?

How to stay together: do not to lose each other


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Staying together in long distance relationships

Whatever your approach is, you are probably already doing your best to keep your long-distance relationship going. But here are my simple tips:

* Do not lose each other, whatever happens. Include your spouse/partner in your life by involving them in your daily activities and projects. Tell them what you'll be doing at work, what projects you are currently busy with, what courses you are attending and so on.

* Call your partner to seek advice on everyday issues, duties and let them help in daily decision making. Just do it like you would with someone you live with. Don't side-line them, involvement is key.

* Be open and trustworthy. If you lie, your partner will pick up and that will ruin the trust. Remain faithful.

* Arrange to meet if at all possible. Let your partner know how much you miss him/her and keep reminding them of the value of your relationship. Do not be all talk, if you really miss her/him, give him/her a surprise visit if you can.

* Send notes, cards, gifts. Pour out your heart. Write what you feel before you forget.

* On a more romantic note, arrange for a special delivery at his/her office.

* Make time. Arrange a romantic get-away.

Hope you enjoyed our suggestions on keeping long distance relationships strong and healthier than ever! ~ Stay connected and reduce the distance!


Reading suggestions for long distance relationships ( offers some discounted rates too)

Long distance relationships: can your partner be just friends with someone of the opposite sex?

Keep it warm by sending each other little reminders of your love

When you are feeling blue

Keep your thoughts healthy and pure to survive in a long distance relationship

Be happy at work

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