Relationships, Love, Family and Joy are at the heart of Christmas!

In this Issue of Let-us-relate newsletter:

1. Joy to the world!

2. Inspirational Quotes

3. Watch a video of the web-building process

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1. <>,Love & joy are at the very heart of Christmas!

With Christmas aproaching, I would like us to reflect on what Christmas means to us. The 25th of December is the day we commemorate the birth of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. As we celebrate this day, let us think of its significance in our lives. What does Christmas represent to us and what lessons can we learn from Christmas?

For me, it signifies unconditional, selfless love and giving. This is the kind of love that we can learn so much from; and that we should all aspire to at least sharing with our loved ones, and with those around us. Ideally, this is the love that we should share with the world. Relationships are the core of Christmas. Family, Love, Peace & Joy are at the heart of Christmas.

I wish you all a very merry Christmas. May the joy & love of family, be at the heart of this Christmas for you and your loved ones. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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2. Inspirational WOW (Words of Wisdom)

"The meaning of life is not what happens to people - it is what happens between people." -Martha Beck-

"We must indeed all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately." -Benjamin Franklin-

"You don't need money to have a generous spirit." -Oprah Winfrey-

"When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed." -Maya Angelou-

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3. My host shows it all

Watch a video of the process that I, and tens of thousands of ordinary people followed to build our web sites. If you thought this process is for tech people, just watch chapter 4 of the video!

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Until next year; Have a Merry Christmas and a progressive & joyful 2007!

Stay Blessed!


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