Would you date a co-worker?

In this Issue of Let-Us-Relate! newsletter:-)

1. Office romance

2. Featured quotation/thought

3. Ebook launch!


1.Office romance

While working in the same office with your spouse is considered a challenge, starting a relationship with a colleague is considered by many - employers and employees alike - as something of a "taboo". Most companies even have policies against such relationships.

But what if you cannot help what you feel? Should you starve off those feelings just to comply with ethics policies? Should you perhaps see each other secretly? Should you have one of you resign from the company? And what if you resign and find out later that it was just infatuation and nothing more?

Read more about this topic


2. Featured quotes

"Forbid us something, and that thing we desire." ~ Geoffrey Chaucer quotes (English poet, 1342/3-1400) ***

"The right to marry whoever one wishes is an elementary human right compared to which "the right to attend an integrated school, the right to sit where one pleases on a bus, the right to go into any hotel or recreation area or place of amusement, regardless of one's skin or color or race" are minor indeed. Even political rights, like the right to vote, and nearly all other rights enumerated in the Constitution, are secondary to the inalienable human rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence; and to this category the right to home and marriage unquestionably belongs." ~Hannah Arendt [Dissent, Winter 1959]


2. The Ebook has been launched

Our sister site, public-speaking-solutions.com has launched their much-talked about ebook. The ebook is on special now until the end of the month.

The ebook addresses common public speaking concerns such as 'fear of public speaking, lack of confidence, shyness, and gives tips on the dos & donts of public speaking.' It also has a section for kids and teaches parents how to motivate their kids without causing arrogance or destroying their self-esteem. This is an ebook you do not want to miss - especially if you have children. Visit www.public-speaking-solutions.com for more information... I will also keep you posted right here!


View ebook details here

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Until next time,

Stay Blessed!



"Dream It. Believe It. Receive It." ~ Anonymous Authour


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