Don't compete, live your best life - Life is not a competition

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From Straight Talk newsletter, Issue #006 --Title: Life is not a competition, published February 27, 2007

In this Issue of Let-Us-relate! newsletter:

1. Life is not a competition!

2. Inspirational Quotes

3. Watch a video of the web-building process


1.Life is not a competition!

Life is not a dress rehearsal, but it is also not a competition nor is it a race. I read a story about a young man who was almost involved in what could have been a terrible car accident, just because he wanted to beat his cousin, (who was just driving and not racing with him), to their destination (what he perceived to be a finish line). The young man asked: 'how can I be less of a show-off? I almost did something stupid and drastic just to prove that I can beat someone.'

There is a lesson to be learnt here. What we can take from the young man's lesson is that:

1. Life is not a race

2. It is pointless and foolish to compete with someone who is not in the competition

3. People who compete have serious self-esteem issues and are cowards (at least the other party needs to know they are in a competition, for it to be fair)

4. Trying to prove yourself (trying to beat others to the finish line where none exists)can lead to accidents. Don't fall trying to beat someone to an imaginary finish line.

5. We should all just concentrate on our lives, our goals, without using others' achievements/failures as yardsticks - Don't get me wrong, we can use other people'stories to motivate us in a constructive, not destructive way. Compare and learn, then go forward with your own plans - at your own pace.

Check out the first quote in this issue, it sums up what I am talking about very nicely.


2. Inspirational words of wisdom

"It is good to be inspired by other people, but strive for excellence AT YOUR OWN PACE." - S'thandiwe Kgoroge, owner of the Poetry Museum-

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." - Lily Tomlin-

"The entire purpose of our existence is to overcome our negative habits." -Vilna Goan-

"For the rest of my life I will not succumb to the fear of failing because now I shall be looking up to the goals I have not yet reached." -Og Mandino-

Bragging, competing and being a show-off unnecessarily can all be blamed on a low self-esteem. Learn more about improving your self esteem in:

Self esteem article

Build confidence

Fear of rejection


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3. My host shows it all

Watch a video of the process that I, and tens of thousands of ordinary people followed to build our web sites. If you thought this process is for tech people, just watch chapter 4 of the video!


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Until next time,

Stay Blessed!


"Never mistake motion for action" - Ernest Hemmingway

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