The decision to adopt or foster

In this Issue of Let-Us-Relate! newsletter:-)

1. Adoption

2. Featured quotation/thought

3. Ebook launch!



Contrary to popular belief, the majority of adoptions are not as a result of infertility. Although infertility is a common reason for adoptions, couples adopt children for a variety of other reasons, ranging from personal to legal.

Read more about adoptions


2. Featured thought

Never miss out on a blessing because it is not packaged the way you expected it to be.


2. Ebook launch in October

Our sister site, will be launching an ebook soon.

The book addresses common public speaking concerns such as 'fear of public speaking, lack of confidence, shyness, and dos & donts of public speaking.' It also has a section for kids and teaches parents how to motivate their kids without causing arrogance or destroying their self-esteem. Do not miss it. Visit for more information... I will also keep you posted right here!


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Until next time,

Stay Blessed!


"Dream It. Believe It. Receive It." ~ Anonymous Authour


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